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Meeting Notices

Upcoming Events

Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Carlisle Civic Center, and Airport Commission meetings are held in the Pilot's Lounge of the Carlisle Municipal Airport unless otherwise noted. 
 ►Thursday, February 13, 7:00 PM
    Airport Commission Meeting

 ►Tuesday, February 18, 6:00 PM
    City Council Meeting

 ►Thursday, March 13, 7:00 PM
    Airport Commission Meeting

 ►Tuesday, March 18, 6:00 PM
    City Council Meeting

 ►Thursday, April 10, 7:00 PM
    Airport Commission Meeting

 ►Tuesday, April 15, 6:00 PM
    City Council Meeting


 ►Monday, February 17
    Presidents Day
    (City Offices Will Be Closed)

 ►Friday, April 18
    Good Friday
    (City Offices Will Be Closed)

 ►Monday, May 26
    Memorial Day
    (City Offices Will Be Closed)

  ►Friday, July 4
    Independence Day
    (City Offices Will Be Closed)





During the last regular meeting of the Carlisle City Council, Council Member Jon Plafcan was appointed by the Council as Acting Mayor.  He will carry out the duties of mayor and, by law, will still function in his position as the council member for Ward 2, Position 1, until such time as a new mayor is elected.  A special election to fill the position is tentatively slated for August 2025.  The Council also appointed Carlisle resident Chris Davidson as council member for Ward 2, Position 2.  Both were sworn in by District Judge Teresa Smith.


Did you know?...
The U.S. Postal Service recognizes communities named Carlisle in 14 states.  In addition to Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington all have cities or towns that share our name.

Links to other places named Carlisle on the Web:

The City of Carlisle, Iowa
The Town of Carlisle, Massachusetts
The City of Carlisle, Ohio
The Borough of Carlisle, Pennsylvania

and in the United Kingdom...
The City of Carlisle


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